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Capturing experiences and learning from the Covid-19 situation

In 2020, People First was successful in applying for Wave 3 of the London Community Response Fund. This was for six months. The grant money came from Trust for London.

The purpose of the project: 

To capture experiences and learning from the Covid-19 situation: Communicating with and supporting self-advocacy organisations across London to find out how they’re working with their members, what issues they’ve experienced during Covid-19, and what has and hasn’t worked. 

The main aims of the project were:

  • To ask leaders of self-advocacy organisations how they have been managing over the last 7 months – what has worked well and what hasn’t worked so well

  • To bring leaders of self-advocacy groups together so we can support each other, share ideas and do things together

You can read a summary of the project report here

People First (Self Advocacy) is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1057354 and company number 03134827 at 336 Brixton Road, London SW9 7AA.
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