Please join us for the launch of The Co-Producing Accessible Legal Information (COALITION) Project Report and Toolkit!

We have 2 events

Monday 8th July - 1pm - 2:30pm

For legal professionals and academic researchers

Book your place on Eventbrite here

Tuesday 9th July - 2pm - 3pm

Accessible launch for self-advocates

Book your place via email here

The COALITION Project was funded by University of Birmingham QR Participatory Research Fund, and the research team was: Professor Rosie Harding (University of Birmingham), Dr Amanda Keeling (Leeds University), Philipa Bragman OBE, Andrew Lee (People First), Sophie O’Connell (Wilsons Solicitors), Dhanishka Seneviratne (University of Birmingham) and Ketevan Khomeriki (University of Birmingham).

The COALITION Project used co-production research methods to investigate barriers people with learning disabilities face in seeking legal information and advice, and to explore ways to enhance the accessibility of legal information to provide more accessible legal service to the community.

We will present the main findings and outcomes from the project at this webinar. For researchers, legal professionals, and legal services regulators, we will share useful information that will help you provide accessible legal information to persons with learning disabilities.

As the result of the COALITION Project, we are proud to introduce an Accessible Research Toolkit and free easy read resources for legal services providers. Together, these provide a comprehensive recourse for various stakeholders. These toolkits address the needs of:

Researchers and students: to support participation of people with learning disabilities in their research and learn best practices for creating consent forms and participant information leaflets in easy read formats for persons with learning disabilities.
Legal Service providers: templates to assist in developing materials and make information about their services accessible to people with learning disabilities.

We will present the main findings and outcomes of the COALITION project at these events. We will launch our accessible research toolkit, aimed at supporting researchers to include disabled people in research, and our free easy read resources and templates for legal service providers. We hope that these tools will help you to provide accessible information to disabled people when taking part in research, or accessing legal services.

Future implications and directions for further research and development in this area will also be discussed.

The event will include presentations from the research team, and opportunities for Q&A about our research, and our easy read resources.

All are welcome, but this event is aimed at:

Legal service providers, including law firms and charities; Legal professionals; Legal Services Regulators; Policy makers; Researchers; Students; Disabled people; self-advocates.

People First (Self Advocacy) is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1057354 and company number 03134827 at 336 Brixton Road, London SW9 7AA.
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