Engage Britain (2020/2021)

Engage Britain was founded and is funded by the Hands Family Trust, a trust established by Julia and Guy Hands to extend access across society. It is a fully independent charity.

People First was one of the national facilitators for Engage Britain’s 101 Community Conversations about health and care. Over 700 people shared what matters most to them about health and care.

We ran three events with self-advocates in England, Scotland and Wales. 

Thank you to our colleagues at People First Scotland and All Wales People First, along with the members who joined our London workshop. Because of your input we were able to feed in important information about our views and experiences of Health and Social Care.

After the Community Conversations 100 members of the public, representative of people living in England, Scotland and Wales were recruited on to the People’s Panel .

The People’s Panel listened to the stories and viewpoints shared in the Community Conversations, and then prioritised the health and care issues to tackle first.

The Panel’s top priorities were:

  • Recruitment, training and retention of social care staff
  • Poor communication within the health service
  • Staff shortages in the NHS

These issues were then taken forward to the next stage: coming up with Ideas for Change. These ideas are then being presented to politicians.

Watch Andrew Lee in the final video (at 2.25 minutes in) here

People First (Self Advocacy) is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1057354 and company number 03134827 at 336 Brixton Road, London SW9 7AA.
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